Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day One, But Definately More Than One Day

Well I made it! Even if it was kind of messy getting to that point. I ended up going through security alone because my friends missed the plane (which has sort of been my mantra for the past 48 hours) so I was feeling kind of alone and sad but then I got to the terminal and two other people from my school-- Dan and Sarah-- were there so that made the trip much easier.
The flight wasn't really bad at all. I watched Zohan again, tried to sleep and wrote something that is probably completely delusional in my travel diary. We made it through customs/ immigration pretty quickly and got our bags pretty quickly. But then we had this HUGE journey through Heathrow which was two train rides and then finally a bus ride (1 1/2 hours) to Queen Mary... all of which I did in heels, because I am a very silly person.
My room is very nice and the people I'm living with also seem very nice. They are all 1st years.. I am an old lady and based on my age I would be a 3rd year or graduating, so theres an interesting age gap situation going on.
I attempted to do a little shopping and took a huge nap which was really nice, and now I'm supposed to go to some event at a bar on campus which I think I'm going to go to for a little and then come back because I'm just kind of dead, but we'll see how it goes. It may be fun, who knows?! Actually I'm sure it will be fun, I'm just going alone so its kind of weird. No one I traveled over with had a cell phone really figured out so I cant really get in touch with anyone, but I'm weirdly not that bothered by it. I'm strangely relaxed with my relative isolation at the moment. Or at least as isolated as you can be on a college campus. Anyhow, tomorrow is another day and the important thing is that I made it here in one piece with all of my things and no confusion :)

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