Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My First!

So it's very early on, but I guess I thought now would be a good time to learn how to do this. I'm really excited for the trip, and ideally no one will ever read this entry because its silly... but its sillier to create a blog with no entries.
Anyhow, it's only early July but I wish it were September already, all I want to do is GO

Found a backpack (hideous, and not at all what I had in mind for my romantic image of a "backpack" but whateer)
Sneakers (really cute, sadly I'm actually excited to wear them... but I wont so they dont get messed up)

..this is pretty much what I have.. if you're reading this, I'm so sorry I'm not more interesting, hopefully once the trip actually starts I will be, more MUCH MUCH later :)